Apr 4, 2019 | Events, Excursion, Extracurricular |
Friday was our big day. We left school at 7.00am to head down to the Royal Melbourne Zoo. The students enjoyed the Lima Island enclosure, the seal and penguin exhibit, the big cats and the monkeys. It was a great...
Feb 15, 2019 | Art and Craft, Extracurricular, News |
Last term the students wrote letters to IGA Tallangatta imploring them to stop using plastic bags, as an alternative they suggested boomer-ang bags. The bags were delivered and IGA’s re-sponse was promising. They would like some more bags and are pre-pared to donate...
Feb 15, 2019 | Extracurricular, Sports |
Yesterday our students were very lucky. They travelled to Albury Sailing Club to take part in some ailing lessons. The staff at the Albury Sailing Club were fantastic and guided the students through the “in’s and out’s” of sailing. The students learnt the various...
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